What Happens to the Thiolates Created by Reductively Desorbing SAMs? an in Situ Study Using Fluorescence Microscopy and Electrochemistry.
Potential-Dependent Interaction of DOPC Liposomes with an Octadecanol-Covered Au(111) Surface Investigated Using Electrochemical Methods Coupled with in Situ Fluorescence Microscopy.

Potential-Dependent Interaction of DOPC Liposomes with an Octadecanol-Covered Au(111) Surface Investigated Using Electrochemical Methods Coupled with in Situ Fluorescence Microscopy.

Musgrove, A.; Bridges, C. R.; Sammis, G. M.; Bizzotto, D.  Langmuir 2013, 29, 3347–3360. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/la400042c

Synthesis and Characterization of Diverse Pt Nanostructures in Nafion.

Synthesis and Characterization of Diverse Pt Nanostructures in Nafion.

N. J. C. Ingle, A. Sode, I. Martens, E. Gyenge, D. P. Wilkinson and D. Bizzotto, Langmuir 2014, 30, 1871–1879. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/la403399y

Potential Controls the Interaction of Liposomes with Octadecanol-Modified Au Electrodes: An in Situ AFM Study

Potential Controls the Interaction of Liposomes with Octadecanol-Modified Au Electrodes: An in Situ AFM Study

A. Musgrove, C. R. Bridges, G. M. Sammis and D. Bizzotto, Langmuir, 2013, 29, 3347–3360.

Frequency Response Analysis of Potential-Modulated Orientation Changes of a DNA Self Assembled Layer Using Spatially Resolved Fluorescence Measurements.