
  1. Grzedowski, A. J.; Jun, D.; Mahey, A.; Zhou, G. C.; Fernandez, R.; Bizzotto, D. Engineering DNA Nanocube SAM Scaffolds for FRET-Based Biosensing: Interfacial Characterization and Sensor Demonstration. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146 (46), 31560–31573.

  2. Grzędowski, A. J.; Ma, T.; Bizzotto, D. FRET Imaging of Nonuniformly Distributed DNA SAMs on Gold Reveals the Role Played by the Donor/Acceptor Ratio and the Local Environment in Measuring the Rate of Hybridization. Chem. Biomed. Imaging 2023, 1 (3), 286–296.
  3. Ma, T.; Grzȩdowski, A. J.; Doneux, T.; Bizzotto, D. Redox-Controlled Energy Transfer Quenching of Fluorophore-Labeled DNA SAMs Enables In Situ Study of These Complex Electrochemical Interfaces. J Am Chem Soc 2022, 144(51), 23428–23437.
  4. Jun, D.; Sammis, G.; Rezazadeh-Azar, P.; Ginoux, E.; Bizzotto, D. Development of a Graphene-Oxide-Deposited Carbon Electrode for the Rapid and Low-Level Detection of Fentanyl and Derivatives. Anal Chem 2022, 94 (37), 12706–12714.
  5. Jun, D.; Zhang, S.; Grzędowski, A. J.; Mahey, A.; Beatty, J. T.; Bizzotto, D. Purification and Preparation of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Reaction Centers for Photocurrent Measurements and Atomic Force Microscopy Characterization. Star Protoc 2022, 3 (1), 101044.
  6. Ma, T.; Bizzotto, D. Improved Thermal Stability and Homogeneity of Low Probe Density DNA SAMs Using Potential-Assisted Thiol-Exchange Assembly Methods. Anal Chem 2021.

  7. Liu, Z.; Grze̜dowski, A.; Guo, Y.; Bizzotto, D. AFM and Cu Electrodeposition Studies of Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified Au(111) Facets Prepared Using Electrodeposition and Post-Deposition Pulse Treatment. J Electrochem Soc 2021.
  8. Jun, D.; Zhang, S.; Grzędowski, A. J.; Mahey, A.; Beatty, J. T.; Bizzotto, D. Correlating Structural Assemblies of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers on a Gold Electrode and the Photocurrent – Potential Response. iScience 2021, 24 (5), 102500.
  9. Martens, I.; Melo, L. G. A.; West, M. M.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Bizzotto, D.; Hitchcock, A. P. Imaging Reactivity of the Pt–Ionomer Interface in Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layers. ACS Catal 2020, 10 (15), 8285–8292.
  10. Martens, I.; Vamvakeros, A.; Martinez, N.; Chattot, R.; Pusa, J.; Blanco, M. V.; Fisher, E. A.; Asset, T.; Escribano, S.; Micoud, F.; Starr, T.; Coelho, A.; Honkimäki, V.; Bizzotto, D.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Jacques, S. D. M.; Maillard, F.; Dubau, L.; Lyonnard, S.; Morin, A.; Drnec, J. Imaging Heterogeneous Electrocatalyst Stability and Decoupling Degradation Mechanisms in Operating Hydrogen Fuel Cells. ACS Energy Lett 2021, 6 (8), 2742–2749. 
  11. Ma, T.; Martens, I.; Bizzotto, D. Thermal Stability of Thiolated DNA SAMs in Buffer: Revealing the Influence of Surface Crystallography and DNA Coverage via in Situ Combinatorial Surface Analysis. Langmuir 2020, 36 (48), 14495–14506. ACS articles on request
  12. Leung, K. K.; Martens, I.; Yu, H. Z.; Bizzotto, D. Measuring and Controlling the Local Environment of Surface-Bound DNA in Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold When Prepared Using Potential-Assisted Deposition. Langmuir 2020, 36 (24), 6837–6847. ACS Article on Request  
  13. Martens, I.; Chattot, R.; Rasola, M.; Blanco, M. V.; Honkimäki, V.; Bizzotto, D.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Drnec, J. Probing the Dynamics of Platinum Surface Oxides in Fuel Cell Catalyst Layers Using in Situ X-Ray Diffraction. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2 (11), 7772–7780. Article
  14. Martens, I.; Vamvakeros, A.; Chattot, R.; Blanco, M. V.; Rasola, M.; Pusa, J.; Jacques, S. D. M.; Bizzotto, D.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Ruffmann, B.; et al. X-Ray Transparent Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Design for in Situ Wide and Small Angle Scattering Tomography. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 437, 226906. Article
  15. Li, Y.; Martens, I.; Cheung, K. C.; Bizzotto, D. Electrodeposition of Reduced Graphene Oxide Onto Gold Electrodes: Creating Thin Electrochemically Active and Optically Transparent Overlayers. Electrochim. Acta 2019, 319, 649–656. Article DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2019.07.004
  16. Martens, I.; Melo, L. G. A.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Bizzotto, D.; Hitchcock, A. P. Characterization of X-Ray Damage to Perfluorosulfonic Acid Using Correlative Microscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (26), 16023–16033. Article
  17. Jun, D.; Beatty, J. T.; Bizzotto, D. Highly Sensitive Method to Isolate Photocurrent Signals From Large Background Redox Currents on Protein‐Modified Electrodes. ChemElectroChem 2019, 6 (11), 2870–2875. Link to Article
  18. Leung, K. K.; Yu, H. Z.; Bizzotto, D. Electrodepositing DNA Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au: Detailing the Influence of Electrical Potential Perturbation and Surface Crystallography. ACS Sens. 2019, 4 (2), 513–520. ACS Articles on Demand
  19. Verhaven, A.; Doneux, T.; Bizzotto, D. Application of FRET Microscopy to the Study of the Local Environment and Dynamics of DNA SAMs on Au Electrodes. Langmuir 2018, 34 (49), 14802–14810. ACS Articles on Demand
  20. Martens, I.; Fisher, E. A.; Bizzotto, D. Direct Mapping of Heterogeneous Surface Coverage in DNA-Functionalized Gold Surfaces with Correlated Electron and Fluorescence Microscopy. Langmuir 2018, 34 (7), 2425–2431. ACS Articles on Demand
  21. Bizzotto, D.; Burgess, I. J.; Doneux, T.; Sagara, T.; Yu, H. Z. Beyond Simple Cartoons: Challenges in Characterizing Electrochemical Biosensor Interfaces. ACS Sens. 2018, 3, 5-12. ACS Articles on Request
  22. Bizzotto, D. In Situ Spectroelectrochemical Fluorescence Microscopy for Studying Electrodes Modified by Molecular Adsorbates. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2018, 7, 161–171.  Link to article
  23. Leung, K. K.; Gaxiola, A. D.; Yu, H. Z.; Bizzotto, D. Tailoring the DNA SAM Surface Density on Different Surface Crystallographic Features Using Potential Assisted Thiol Exchange. Electrochim. Acta 2018, 261, 188–197. Link to Article
  24. Fisher, E. A.; Leung, K. K.; Casanova-Moreno, J.; Masuda, T.; Young, J.; Bizzotto, D. Quantifying the Selective Modification of Au(111) Facets via Electrochemical and Electroless Treatments for Manipulating Gold Nanorod Surface Composition. Langmuir 2017, 33 (45), 12887–12896. ACS Articles on Request
  25. Yu, Z. L.; Leung, K. K.; Yu, H. Z.; Bizzotto, D. A Non-Linear Harmonic Analysis of Potential Induced Fluorescence Modulation of a DNA Self Assembled Monolayer. Electrochim. Acta 2017, 245, 386–394.
  26. Casanova-Moreno, J.; To, J.; Yang, C. W. T.; Turner, R. F. B.; Bizzotto, D.; Cheung, K. C. Fabricating Devices with Improved Adhesion Between PDMS and Gold-Patterned Glass. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2017, 246, 904–909.
  27. Xu, M.; Yue, G.; Bizzotto, D.; Asselin, E. Electrodeposition of Aluminum Onto Copper-Coated Printed Circuit Boards. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2017, 164 (12), D729–D736.
  28. Evetts, N.; Martens, I.; Bizzotto, D.; Longuevergne, D.; Hardy, W. N. Open Microwave Cavity for Use in a Purcell Enhancement Cooling Scheme. Rev Sci Instrum 2016, 87 (10), 104702–104706.
  29. Z. L. Yu, C. W. T. Yang, E. Triffaux, T. Doneux, R. F. B. Turner, and D. Bizzotto, Measuring and remediating non-specific modifications of gold surfaces using a coupled in-situ electrochemical fluorescence microscopic methodology, Anal. Chem., 2016. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b03953) ACS Articles on Request
  30. I. Martens, B. A. Pinaud, L. Baxter, D. P. Wilkinson, and D. Bizzotto, “Controlling Nanoparticle Interconnectivity in Thin-Film Platinum Catalyst Layers,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 120, no. 38, pp. 21364–21372, 2016ACS Articles on Request
  31. Yang, C. W. T.; Martens, I.; Gyenge, E. L.; Turner, R. F. B.; Bizzotto, D. Adsorption of a Carboxylated Silane on Gold: Characterization for Its Rational Use in Hybrid Glass/Gold Substrates. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120 (5), 2675–2683. ACS Articles on Request
  32. Musgrove A, Bizzotto D. Potential Controls the Interaction of Liposomes with Octadecanol-Modified Au Electrodes: An in Situ AFM Study. Langmuir. 2015;31(46):12797-12806. (doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b03605) ACS Articles on RequestlipoAFMpaper_wp_small
  33. Drnec, J.; Bizzotto, D.; Carlà, F.; Fiala, R.; Sode, A.; Balmes, O.; Detlefs, B.; Dufrane, T.; Felici, R. An in-Situ X-Ray Diffraction Study on the Electrochemical Formation of PtZn Alloys on Pt(1 1 1) Single Crystal Electrode. Applied Surface Science 2015, 354, 443–449. (doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.04.072) Elsevier link
  34. Casanova-Moreno J, Bizzotto D. A Method for Determining the Actual Rate of Orientation Switching of DNA Self-Assembled Monolayers Using Optical and Electrochemical Frequency Response Analysis. Anal Chem., 2015, 872255–63. ACS Articles on Request FRA_deconv_TOC
  35. Yu ZL, Casanova-Moreno J, Guryanov I, Maran F, Bizzotto D. Influence of surface structure on single or mixed component SAMs via in-situ spectroelectrochemical fluorescence imaging of the complete stereographic triangle on a single crystal Au bead electrode. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2015, 137, 276–288. (doi:10.1021/ja5104475). ACS Articles on RequestAu_bead_echem_v3_TOCv3
  36. Meunier, A.; Triffaux, E.; Bizzotto, D.; Buess-Herman, C.; Doneux, T. In Situ Fluorescence Microscopy Study of the Interfacial Inhomogeneity of DNA Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers at Gold Electrodes. ChemElectroChem 2015, 2, 434–442.
  37. Casanova-Moreno JR, Bizzotto D. Frequency response analysis of potential-modulated orientation changes of a DNA self assembled layer using spatially resolved fluorescence measurements. Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 162, 62–71. (doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2014.09.037)DNA-SAM-FluorEIS-r1_40X_Flcap-time
  38. Ingle NJC, Sode A, Martens I, Gyenge E, Wilkinson DP, Bizzotto D. Synthesis and Characterization of Diverse Pt Nanostructures in Nafion. Langmuir. 2014;30(7):1871–1879. doi:10.1021/la403399y. ACS Articles on Request Nafion_Pt_TEM2_r2_TOC
  39. Musgrove A, Bridges CR, Sammis GM, Bizzotto D. Potential-dependent interaction of DOPC liposomes with an octadecanol-covered Au(111) surface investigated using electrochemical methods coupled with in situ fluorescence microscopy. Langmuir. 2013;29(10):3347–3360. doi:10.1021/la400042c. ACS Articles on Request TOC_figure-2
  40. Alshwawreh N, Militzer M, Bizzotto D, Kuo JC. Accelerated Recrystallization in Electrodeposited Dual-Layer Copper Thin Films. J Electrochem Soc. 2013;160(12):D3154–D3157. doi:10.1149/2.029312jes.
  41. Casanova-Moreno JR, Bizzotto D. What happens to the thiolates created by reductively desorbing SAMs? An in situ study using fluorescence microscopy and electrochemistry. Langmuir. 2013;29(6):2065–2074. doi:10.1021/la305170c. ACS Articles on Request uE_des_toc
  42. Alshwawreh N, Militzer M, Bizzotto D, Kuo JC. Resistivity-microstructure correlation of self-annealed electrodeposited copper thin films. Microelectronic Engineering. 2012;95:26–33.
  43. Sode A, Ingle NJC, McCormick M, et al. Controlling the deposition of Pt nanoparticles within the surface region of Nafion. J. Membrane Sci. 2011;376(1):162–169. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2011.04.016.
  44. Casanova-Moreno JR, Bizzotto D. Electrochemistry and in situ fluorescence microscopy of octadecanol layers doped with a BODIPY-labeled phospholipid: Investigating an adsorbed heterogeneous layer. J Electroanal Chem. 2010;649(1-2):126–135. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2010.02.015.
  45. Alshwawreh N, Militzer M, Bizzotto D. Recrystallization of Electrodeposited Copper Thin Films During Annealing. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2010;39(11):2476–2482. doi:DOI: 10.1007/s11664-010-1342-x.
  46. Sleightholme A, Wilkinson D, Bizzotto D, Ye S, Gyenge E. Nafion Film-Templated Platinum Electrodes for Oxygen Reduction. Electrocatalysis. 2010;1(1):22–27. doi:10.1007/s12678-010-0006-1.
  47. Sode A, Musgrove A, Bizzotto D. Stability of PtZn Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon in Acidic Electrochemical Environments. J Phys Chem C. 2010;114(1):546–553. doi:10.1021/jp909103w. ACS Articles on Request
  48. Murphy JN, Cheng AKH, Yu HZ, Bizzotto D. On the nature of DNA self-assembled monolayers on Au: measuring surface heterogeneity with electrochemical in situ fluorescence microscopy. J Am Chem Soc. 2009;131(11):4042–4050. doi:10.1021/ja808696p. ACS Articles on Request
  49. Bauer A, Wilkinson DP, Gyenge EL, Bizzotto D, Ye S. Liquid Crystalline Phase Templated Platinum Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction. J Electrochem Soc. 2009;156(10):B1169–B1174. doi:10.1149/1.3176830.
  50. Sode A, Bizzotto D. Adsorbate-induced surface reorganization on PtZn electrode. Electrochim Acta. 2009;54(3):1095–1101. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2008.08.046.
  51. Zhu L, Susac D, Teo M, et al. Investigation of CoS2-based thin films as model catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Catalysis. 2008;258(1):235–242. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2008.06.016.
  52. Musgrove A, Kell A, Bizzotto D. Fluorescence imaging of the oxidative desorption of a BODIPY-alkyl-thiol monolayer coated Au bead. Langmuir. 2008;24(15):7881–7888. doi:10.1021/la800233c.
  53. Bauer A, Wilkinson DP, Gyenge E, Bizzotto D, Ye S. Surfactant Assisted Catalyst Layer Deposition for PEM Fuel Cells. In: Vol 16. ECS; 2008:1787–1794. doi:10.1149/1.2982019.
  54. Zhu L, Susac D, Teo M, et al. Investigation of CoS2-based thin films as model catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Catalysis. 2008;258(1):235–242. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2008.06.016.
  55. Stoodley R, Wasan KM, Bizzotto D. Fluorescence of amphotericin B-deoxycholate (fungizone) monomers and aggregates and the effect of heat-treatment. Langmuir. 2007;23(17):8718–8725. doi:10.1021/la7008573.
  56. Susac D, Zhu L, Teo M, et al. Characterization of FeS2-based thin films as model catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. J Phys Chem C. 2007;111(50):18715–18723. doi:10.1021/jp073395i.
  57. Shepherd JL, Bizzotto D. Characterization of mixed alcohol monolayers adsorbed onto a Au(111) electrode using electro-fluorescence microscopy. Langmuir. 2006;22(10):4869–4876. doi:10.1021/la052994i.
  58. Sode A, Li W, Yang Y, et al. Electrochemical formation of a Pt/Zn alloy and its use as a catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells. J Phys Chem B. 2006;110(17):8715–8722. doi:10.1021/jp055350s.
  59. Susac D, Sode A, Zhu L, et al. A methodology for investigating new nonprecious metal catalysts for PEM fuel cells. J Phys Chem B. 2006;110(22):10762–10770. doi:10.1021/jp057468e.
  60. Teo M, Wong PC, Zhu L, et al. Characterization of a Co-Se thin film by scanning Auger microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Appl Surf Sci. 2006;253(3):1130–1134. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.01.067.
  61. Zhu L, Susac D, Lam A, et al. Structure of sputtered Co-Se thin films prepared for an application in catalysis. J Solid State Chem. 2006;179(12):3942–3948. doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2006.08.028.
  62. Marziali A, Pel J, Bizzotto D, Whitehead LA. Novel electrophoresis mechanism based on synchronous alternating drag perturbation. Electrophoresis. 2005;26(1):82–90. doi:10.1002/elps.200406140.
  63. Chung E, Shepherd JL, Bizzotto D, Wolf MO. Electrochemical dimerization of 2-(2′-thienyl)pyridine adsorbed on Au(111) observed by in situ fluorescence. Langmuir. 2004;20(19):8270–8278. doi:10.1021/la0485024.
  64. Militzer M, Freundlich P, Bizzotto D. Abnormal Grain Growth in Electrochemically Deposited Cu Films. Mater Sci Forum. 2004;467-470:1339–1344. doi:10.4028/
  65. Shepherd JL, Kell A, Chung E, Sinclar CW, Workentin MS, Bizzotto D. Selective reductive desorption of a SAM-coated gold electrode revealed using fluorescence microscopy. J Am Chem Soc. 2004;126(26):8329–8335. doi:10.1021/ja0494095.
  66. Agak JO, Stoodley R, Retter U, Bizzotto D. On the impedance of a lipid-modified Hg|electrolyte interface. J Electroanal Chem. 2004;562(2):135–144. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2003.07.030.
  67. Bartlett K, Yau E, Hartsel SC, Hamer A, Tsai G, Bizzotto D, Wasan K. Effect of heat-treated amphotericin B on renal and fungal cytotoxicity. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2004; 48: 333–336. doi:10.1128/AAC.48.1.333-336.2004
  68. Guerra E, Kelsall GH, Bestetti M, et al. Use of underpotential deposition for evaluation of overpotential deposition kinetics of reactive metals. J Electrochem Soc. 2004;151(1):E1–E6. doi:10.1149/1.1631282.
  69. Agak JO, Stoodley R, Retter U, Bizzotto D. On the impedance of a lipid-modified Hg vertical bar electrolyte interface. J Electroanal Chem. 2004;562(2):135–144. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2003.07.030.
  70. Bizzotto D, Yang Y, Shepherd JL, et al. Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical characterization of lipid organization in an electric field. J Electroanal Chem. 2004;574(1):167–184. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2003.11.002.
  71. Stoodley R, Bizzotto D. Epi-fluorescence microscopic characterization of potential-induced changes in a DOPC monolayer on a Hg drop. The Analyst. 2003;128(6):552–561.
  72. Shepherd JL, Bizzotto D. On the apparent fluorescence recovery due to electrosorption. J Phys Chem B. 2003;107(33):8524–8531. doi:10.1021/jp0275746.
  73. Stoodley R, Bizzotto D. Epi-fluorescence microscopic characterization of potential-induced changes in a DOPC monolayer on a Hg drop. Analyst. 2003;128(6):552–561. doi:10.1039/b212924h.
  74. Stoodley R, Bizzotto D. Epi-fluorescence microscopic characterization of potential-induced changes in a DOPC monolayer on a Hg drop. Analyst. 2003;128(6):552–561. doi:10.1039/B212924H.
  75. Chung E, Bizzotto D, Wolf MO. Potential-controlled switching of 2-(2 ‘-thienyl)pyridine adsorbed on Au(111). Chem Commun. 2002;(24):3026–3027. doi:10.1039/b208912b.
  76. Shepherd J, Yang Y, Bizzotto D. Visualization of potential induced formation of water-insoluble surfactant aggregates by epi-fluorescence microscopy. J Electroanal Chem. 2002;524:54–61.
  77. Stoodley R, Shepherd J, Wasan KM, Bizzotto D. Amphotericin B interactions with a DOPC monolayer. Electrochemical investigations. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes. 2002;1564(1):289–297.
  78. Stauffer V, Stoodley R, Agak JO, Bizzotto D. Adsorption of DOPC onto Hg from the G∣S interface and from a liposomal suspension. J Electroanal Chem. 2001;516(1-2):73–82. doi:10.1016/S0022-0728(01)00655-6.
  79. Stauffer V, Stoodley R, Agak JO, Bizzotto D. Adsorption of DOPC onto Hg from the G vertical bar S interface and from a liposomal suspension. J Electroanal Chem. 2001;516(1-2):73–82.
  80. Yang YG, Bizzotto D. The influence of electrolyte concentration on the adsorption of octadecanol on Au(111). J Electroanal Chem. 2001;500(1-2):408–417.
  81. Bizzotto D, Wong E, Yang Y. Adsorption of octadecanol/1-pyrenenonanol mixed monolayers of insoluble surfactant onto Au(111): an electrochemical study. J Electroanal Chem. 2000;480(1):233–240. doi:10.1016/S0022-0728(99)00465
  82. Bizzotto D, Pettinger B. Fluorescence Imaging Studies of the Electrochemical Adsorption/Desorption of Octadecanol. Langmuir. 1999;15(23):8309–8314. doi:10.1021/la990249y.
  83. Nelson A, Bizzotto D. Chronoamperometric Study of Tl(I) Reduction at Gramicidin-Modified Phospholipid-Coated Mercury Electrodes. Langmuir. 1999;15(20):7031–7039. doi:10.1021/la990287h.
  84. Bizzotto D, Pettinger B. Fluorescence imaging studies of the electrochemical adsorption/desorption of octadecanol. Langmuir. 1999;15(23):8309–8314.
  85. Bizzotto D., Nelson A. Continuing Electrochemical Studies of Phospholipid Monolayers of Dioleoyl Phosphatidylcholine at the Mercury−Electrolyte Interface. Langmuir. 1998;14(21):6269–6273. doi:10.1021/la980314o.