Grzedowski, A. J.; Jun, D.; Mahey, A.; Zhou, G. C.; Fernandez, R.; Bizzotto, D. Engineering DNA Nanocube SAM Scaffolds for FRET-Based Biosensing: Interfacial Characterization and Sensor Demonstration. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146 (46), 31560–31573. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.4c09240.
Grzędowski, A. J.; Ma, T.; Bizzotto, D. FRET Imaging of Nonuniformly Distributed DNA SAMs on Gold Reveals the Role Played by the Donor/Acceptor Ratio and the Local Environment in Measuring the Rate of Hybridization. Chem. Biomed. Imaging 2023, 1 (3), 286–296. https://doi.org/10.1021/cbmi.3c00031.
- Ma, T.; Grzȩdowski, A. J.; Doneux, T.; Bizzotto, D. Redox-Controlled Energy Transfer Quenching of Fluorophore-Labeled DNA SAMs Enables In Situ Study of These Complex Electrochemical Interfaces. J Am Chem Soc 2022, 144(51), 23428–23437. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.2c09474.
Jun, D.; Sammis, G.; Rezazadeh-Azar, P.; Ginoux, E.; Bizzotto, D. Development of a Graphene-Oxide-Deposited Carbon Electrode for the Rapid and Low-Level Detection of Fentanyl and Derivatives. Anal Chem 2022, 94 (37), 12706–12714. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02057.
Jun, D.; Zhang, S.; Grzędowski, A. J.; Mahey, A.; Beatty, J. T.; Bizzotto, D. Purification and Preparation of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Reaction Centers for Photocurrent Measurements and Atomic Force Microscopy Characterization. Star Protoc 2022, 3 (1), 101044. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2021.101044.
Ma, T.; Bizzotto, D. Improved Thermal Stability and Homogeneity of Low Probe Density DNA SAMs Using Potential-Assisted Thiol-Exchange Assembly Methods. Anal Chem 2021. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.1c03353.
Liu, Z.; Grze̜dowski, A.; Guo, Y.; Bizzotto, D. AFM and Cu Electrodeposition Studies of Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified Au(111) Facets Prepared Using Electrodeposition and Post-Deposition Pulse Treatment. J Electrochem Soc 2021. https://doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ac2466.
Jun, D.; Zhang, S.; Grzędowski, A. J.; Mahey, A.; Beatty, J. T.; Bizzotto, D. Correlating Structural Assemblies of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers on a Gold Electrode and the Photocurrent – Potential Response. iScience 2021, 24 (5), 102500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.102500.
Martens, I.; Melo, L. G. A.; West, M. M.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Bizzotto, D.; Hitchcock, A. P. Imaging Reactivity of the Pt–Ionomer Interface in Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layers. ACS Catal 2020, 10 (15), 8285–8292. https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.0c01594.
Martens, I.; Vamvakeros, A.; Martinez, N.; Chattot, R.; Pusa, J.; Blanco, M. V.; Fisher, E. A.; Asset, T.; Escribano, S.; Micoud, F.; Starr, T.; Coelho, A.; Honkimäki, V.; Bizzotto, D.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Jacques, S. D. M.; Maillard, F.; Dubau, L.; Lyonnard, S.; Morin, A.; Drnec, J. Imaging Heterogeneous Electrocatalyst Stability and Decoupling Degradation Mechanisms in Operating Hydrogen Fuel Cells. ACS Energy Lett 2021, 6 (8), 2742–2749. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsenergylett.1c00718.
- Ma, T.; Martens, I.; Bizzotto, D. Thermal Stability of Thiolated DNA SAMs in Buffer: Revealing the Influence of Surface Crystallography and DNA Coverage via in Situ Combinatorial Surface Analysis. Langmuir 2020, 36 (48), 14495–14506. ACS articles on request
- Leung, K. K.; Martens, I.; Yu, H. Z.; Bizzotto, D. Measuring and Controlling the Local Environment of Surface-Bound DNA in Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold When Prepared Using Potential-Assisted Deposition. Langmuir 2020, 36 (24), 6837–6847. ACS Article on Request
- Martens, I.; Chattot, R.; Rasola, M.; Blanco, M. V.; Honkimäki, V.; Bizzotto, D.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Drnec, J. Probing the Dynamics of Platinum Surface Oxides in Fuel Cell Catalyst Layers Using in Situ X-Ray Diffraction. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2 (11), 7772–7780. Article
- Martens, I.; Vamvakeros, A.; Chattot, R.; Blanco, M. V.; Rasola, M.; Pusa, J.; Jacques, S. D. M.; Bizzotto, D.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Ruffmann, B.; et al. X-Ray Transparent Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Design for in Situ Wide and Small Angle Scattering Tomography. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 437, 226906. Article
- Li, Y.; Martens, I.; Cheung, K. C.; Bizzotto, D. Electrodeposition of Reduced Graphene Oxide Onto Gold Electrodes: Creating Thin Electrochemically Active and Optically Transparent Overlayers. Electrochim. Acta 2019, 319, 649–656. Article DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2019.07.004
- Martens, I.; Melo, L. G. A.; Wilkinson, D. P.; Bizzotto, D.; Hitchcock, A. P. Characterization of X-Ray Damage to Perfluorosulfonic Acid Using Correlative Microscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (26), 16023–16033. Article
- Jun, D.; Beatty, J. T.; Bizzotto, D. Highly Sensitive Method to Isolate Photocurrent Signals From Large Background Redox Currents on Protein‐Modified Electrodes. ChemElectroChem 2019, 6 (11), 2870–2875. Link to Article
- Leung, K. K.; Yu, H. Z.; Bizzotto, D. Electrodepositing DNA Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au: Detailing the Influence of Electrical Potential Perturbation and Surface Crystallography. ACS Sens. 2019, 4 (2), 513–520. ACS Articles on Demand
- Verhaven, A.; Doneux, T.; Bizzotto, D. Application of FRET Microscopy to the Study of the Local Environment and Dynamics of DNA SAMs on Au Electrodes. Langmuir 2018, 34 (49), 14802–14810. ACS Articles on Demand
- Martens, I.; Fisher, E. A.; Bizzotto, D. Direct Mapping of Heterogeneous Surface Coverage in DNA-Functionalized Gold Surfaces with Correlated Electron and Fluorescence Microscopy. Langmuir 2018, 34 (7), 2425–2431. ACS Articles on Demand
- Bizzotto, D.; Burgess, I. J.; Doneux, T.; Sagara, T.; Yu, H. Z. Beyond Simple Cartoons: Challenges in Characterizing Electrochemical Biosensor Interfaces. ACS Sens. 2018, 3, 5-12. ACS Articles on Request
- Bizzotto, D. In Situ Spectroelectrochemical Fluorescence Microscopy for Studying Electrodes Modified by Molecular Adsorbates. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2018, 7, 161–171. Link to article
- Leung, K. K.; Gaxiola, A. D.; Yu, H. Z.; Bizzotto, D. Tailoring the DNA SAM Surface Density on Different Surface Crystallographic Features Using Potential Assisted Thiol Exchange. Electrochim. Acta 2018, 261, 188–197. Link to Article
- Fisher, E. A.; Leung, K. K.; Casanova-Moreno, J.; Masuda, T.; Young, J.; Bizzotto, D. Quantifying the Selective Modification of Au(111) Facets via Electrochemical and Electroless Treatments for Manipulating Gold Nanorod Surface Composition. Langmuir 2017, 33 (45), 12887–12896. ACS Articles on Request
- Yu, Z. L.; Leung, K. K.; Yu, H. Z.; Bizzotto, D. A Non-Linear Harmonic Analysis of Potential Induced Fluorescence Modulation of a DNA Self Assembled Monolayer. Electrochim. Acta 2017, 245, 386–394.
- Casanova-Moreno, J.; To, J.; Yang, C. W. T.; Turner, R. F. B.; Bizzotto, D.; Cheung, K. C. Fabricating Devices with Improved Adhesion Between PDMS and Gold-Patterned Glass. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2017, 246, 904–909.
- Xu, M.; Yue, G.; Bizzotto, D.; Asselin, E. Electrodeposition of Aluminum Onto Copper-Coated Printed Circuit Boards. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2017, 164 (12), D729–D736.
- Evetts, N.; Martens, I.; Bizzotto, D.; Longuevergne, D.; Hardy, W. N. Open Microwave Cavity for Use in a Purcell Enhancement Cooling Scheme. Rev Sci Instrum 2016, 87 (10), 104702–104706.
- Z. L. Yu, C. W. T. Yang, E. Triffaux, T. Doneux, R. F. B. Turner, and D. Bizzotto, Measuring and remediating non-specific modifications of gold surfaces using a coupled in-situ electrochemical fluorescence microscopic methodology, Anal. Chem., 2016. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b03953) ACS Articles on Request
- I. Martens, B. A. Pinaud, L. Baxter, D. P. Wilkinson, and D. Bizzotto, “Controlling Nanoparticle Interconnectivity in Thin-Film Platinum Catalyst Layers,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 120, no. 38, pp. 21364–21372, 2016. ACS Articles on Request
- Yang, C. W. T.; Martens, I.; Gyenge, E. L.; Turner, R. F. B.; Bizzotto, D. Adsorption of a Carboxylated Silane on Gold: Characterization for Its Rational Use in Hybrid Glass/Gold Substrates. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120 (5), 2675–2683. ACS Articles on Request
- Musgrove A, Bizzotto D. Potential Controls the Interaction of Liposomes with Octadecanol-Modified Au Electrodes: An in Situ AFM Study. Langmuir. 2015;31(46):12797-12806. (doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b03605) ACS Articles on Request
- Drnec, J.; Bizzotto, D.; Carlà, F.; Fiala, R.; Sode, A.; Balmes, O.; Detlefs, B.; Dufrane, T.; Felici, R. An in-Situ X-Ray Diffraction Study on the Electrochemical Formation of PtZn Alloys on Pt(1 1 1) Single Crystal Electrode. Applied Surface Science 2015, 354, 443–449. (doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.04.072) Elsevier link
- Casanova-Moreno J, Bizzotto D. A Method for Determining the Actual Rate of Orientation Switching of DNA Self-Assembled Monolayers Using Optical and Electrochemical Frequency Response Analysis. Anal Chem., 2015, 87, 2255–63. ACS Articles on Request
- Yu ZL, Casanova-Moreno J, Guryanov I, Maran F, Bizzotto D. Influence of surface structure on single or mixed component SAMs via in-situ spectroelectrochemical fluorescence imaging of the complete stereographic triangle on a single crystal Au bead electrode. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2015, 137, 276–288. (doi:10.1021/ja5104475). ACS Articles on Request
- Meunier, A.; Triffaux, E.; Bizzotto, D.; Buess-Herman, C.; Doneux, T. In Situ Fluorescence Microscopy Study of the Interfacial Inhomogeneity of DNA Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers at Gold Electrodes. ChemElectroChem 2015, 2, 434–442.
- Casanova-Moreno JR, Bizzotto D. Frequency response analysis of potential-modulated orientation changes of a DNA self assembled layer using spatially resolved fluorescence measurements. Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 162, 62–71. (doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2014.09.037)
- Ingle NJC, Sode A, Martens I, Gyenge E, Wilkinson DP, Bizzotto D. Synthesis and Characterization of Diverse Pt Nanostructures in Nafion. Langmuir. 2014;30(7):1871–1879. doi:10.1021/la403399y. ACS Articles on Request
- Musgrove A, Bridges CR, Sammis GM, Bizzotto D. Potential-dependent interaction of DOPC liposomes with an octadecanol-covered Au(111) surface investigated using electrochemical methods coupled with in situ fluorescence microscopy. Langmuir. 2013;29(10):3347–3360. doi:10.1021/la400042c. ACS Articles on Request
- Alshwawreh N, Militzer M, Bizzotto D, Kuo JC. Accelerated Recrystallization in Electrodeposited Dual-Layer Copper Thin Films. J Electrochem Soc. 2013;160(12):D3154–D3157. doi:10.1149/2.029312jes.
- Casanova-Moreno JR, Bizzotto D. What happens to the thiolates created by reductively desorbing SAMs? An in situ study using fluorescence microscopy and electrochemistry. Langmuir. 2013;29(6):2065–2074. doi:10.1021/la305170c. ACS Articles on Request
- Alshwawreh N, Militzer M, Bizzotto D, Kuo JC. Resistivity-microstructure correlation of self-annealed electrodeposited copper thin films. Microelectronic Engineering. 2012;95:26–33.
- Sode A, Ingle NJC, McCormick M, et al. Controlling the deposition of Pt nanoparticles within the surface region of Nafion. J. Membrane Sci. 2011;376(1):162–169. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2011.04.016.
- Casanova-Moreno JR, Bizzotto D. Electrochemistry and in situ fluorescence microscopy of octadecanol layers doped with a BODIPY-labeled phospholipid: Investigating an adsorbed heterogeneous layer. J Electroanal Chem. 2010;649(1-2):126–135. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2010.02.015.
- Alshwawreh N, Militzer M, Bizzotto D. Recrystallization of Electrodeposited Copper Thin Films During Annealing. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2010;39(11):2476–2482. doi:DOI: 10.1007/s11664-010-1342-x.
- Sleightholme A, Wilkinson D, Bizzotto D, Ye S, Gyenge E. Nafion Film-Templated Platinum Electrodes for Oxygen Reduction. Electrocatalysis. 2010;1(1):22–27. doi:10.1007/s12678-010-0006-1.
- Sode A, Musgrove A, Bizzotto D. Stability of PtZn Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon in Acidic Electrochemical Environments. J Phys Chem C. 2010;114(1):546–553. doi:10.1021/jp909103w. ACS Articles on Request
- Murphy JN, Cheng AKH, Yu HZ, Bizzotto D. On the nature of DNA self-assembled monolayers on Au: measuring surface heterogeneity with electrochemical in situ fluorescence microscopy. J Am Chem Soc. 2009;131(11):4042–4050. doi:10.1021/ja808696p. ACS Articles on Request
- Bauer A, Wilkinson DP, Gyenge EL, Bizzotto D, Ye S. Liquid Crystalline Phase Templated Platinum Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction. J Electrochem Soc. 2009;156(10):B1169–B1174. doi:10.1149/1.3176830.
- Sode A, Bizzotto D. Adsorbate-induced surface reorganization on PtZn electrode. Electrochim Acta. 2009;54(3):1095–1101. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2008.08.046.
- Zhu L, Susac D, Teo M, et al. Investigation of CoS2-based thin films as model catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Catalysis. 2008;258(1):235–242. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2008.06.016.
- Musgrove A, Kell A, Bizzotto D. Fluorescence imaging of the oxidative desorption of a BODIPY-alkyl-thiol monolayer coated Au bead. Langmuir. 2008;24(15):7881–7888. doi:10.1021/la800233c.
- Bauer A, Wilkinson DP, Gyenge E, Bizzotto D, Ye S. Surfactant Assisted Catalyst Layer Deposition for PEM Fuel Cells. In: Vol 16. ECS; 2008:1787–1794. doi:10.1149/1.2982019.
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- Stoodley R, Wasan KM, Bizzotto D. Fluorescence of amphotericin B-deoxycholate (fungizone) monomers and aggregates and the effect of heat-treatment. Langmuir. 2007;23(17):8718–8725. doi:10.1021/la7008573.
- Susac D, Zhu L, Teo M, et al. Characterization of FeS2-based thin films as model catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. J Phys Chem C. 2007;111(50):18715–18723. doi:10.1021/jp073395i.
- Shepherd JL, Bizzotto D. Characterization of mixed alcohol monolayers adsorbed onto a Au(111) electrode using electro-fluorescence microscopy. Langmuir. 2006;22(10):4869–4876. doi:10.1021/la052994i.
- Sode A, Li W, Yang Y, et al. Electrochemical formation of a Pt/Zn alloy and its use as a catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells. J Phys Chem B. 2006;110(17):8715–8722. doi:10.1021/jp055350s.
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- Marziali A, Pel J, Bizzotto D, Whitehead LA. Novel electrophoresis mechanism based on synchronous alternating drag perturbation. Electrophoresis. 2005;26(1):82–90. doi:10.1002/elps.200406140.
- Chung E, Shepherd JL, Bizzotto D, Wolf MO. Electrochemical dimerization of 2-(2′-thienyl)pyridine adsorbed on Au(111) observed by in situ fluorescence. Langmuir. 2004;20(19):8270–8278. doi:10.1021/la0485024.
- Militzer M, Freundlich P, Bizzotto D. Abnormal Grain Growth in Electrochemically Deposited Cu Films. Mater Sci Forum. 2004;467-470:1339–1344. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.467-470.1339.
- Shepherd JL, Kell A, Chung E, Sinclar CW, Workentin MS, Bizzotto D. Selective reductive desorption of a SAM-coated gold electrode revealed using fluorescence microscopy. J Am Chem Soc. 2004;126(26):8329–8335. doi:10.1021/ja0494095.
- Agak JO, Stoodley R, Retter U, Bizzotto D. On the impedance of a lipid-modified Hg|electrolyte interface. J Electroanal Chem. 2004;562(2):135–144. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2003.07.030.
- Bartlett K, Yau E, Hartsel SC, Hamer A, Tsai G, Bizzotto D, Wasan K. Effect of heat-treated amphotericin B on renal and fungal cytotoxicity. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2004; 48: 333–336. doi:10.1128/AAC.48.1.333-336.2004
- Guerra E, Kelsall GH, Bestetti M, et al. Use of underpotential deposition for evaluation of overpotential deposition kinetics of reactive metals. J Electrochem Soc. 2004;151(1):E1–E6. doi:10.1149/1.1631282.
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- Bizzotto D, Yang Y, Shepherd JL, et al. Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical characterization of lipid organization in an electric field. J Electroanal Chem. 2004;574(1):167–184. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2003.11.002.
- Stoodley R, Bizzotto D. Epi-fluorescence microscopic characterization of potential-induced changes in a DOPC monolayer on a Hg drop. The Analyst. 2003;128(6):552–561.
- Shepherd JL, Bizzotto D. On the apparent fluorescence recovery due to electrosorption. J Phys Chem B. 2003;107(33):8524–8531. doi:10.1021/jp0275746.
- Stoodley R, Bizzotto D. Epi-fluorescence microscopic characterization of potential-induced changes in a DOPC monolayer on a Hg drop. Analyst. 2003;128(6):552–561. doi:10.1039/b212924h.
- Stoodley R, Bizzotto D. Epi-fluorescence microscopic characterization of potential-induced changes in a DOPC monolayer on a Hg drop. Analyst. 2003;128(6):552–561. doi:10.1039/B212924H.
- Chung E, Bizzotto D, Wolf MO. Potential-controlled switching of 2-(2 ‘-thienyl)pyridine adsorbed on Au(111). Chem Commun. 2002;(24):3026–3027. doi:10.1039/b208912b.
- Shepherd J, Yang Y, Bizzotto D. Visualization of potential induced formation of water-insoluble surfactant aggregates by epi-fluorescence microscopy. J Electroanal Chem. 2002;524:54–61.
- Stoodley R, Shepherd J, Wasan KM, Bizzotto D. Amphotericin B interactions with a DOPC monolayer. Electrochemical investigations. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes. 2002;1564(1):289–297.
- Stauffer V, Stoodley R, Agak JO, Bizzotto D. Adsorption of DOPC onto Hg from the G∣S interface and from a liposomal suspension. J Electroanal Chem. 2001;516(1-2):73–82. doi:10.1016/S0022-0728(01)00655-6.
- Stauffer V, Stoodley R, Agak JO, Bizzotto D. Adsorption of DOPC onto Hg from the G vertical bar S interface and from a liposomal suspension. J Electroanal Chem. 2001;516(1-2):73–82.
- Yang YG, Bizzotto D. The influence of electrolyte concentration on the adsorption of octadecanol on Au(111). J Electroanal Chem. 2001;500(1-2):408–417.
- Bizzotto D, Wong E, Yang Y. Adsorption of octadecanol/1-pyrenenonanol mixed monolayers of insoluble surfactant onto Au(111): an electrochemical study. J Electroanal Chem. 2000;480(1):233–240. doi:10.1016/S0022-0728(99)00465
- Bizzotto D, Pettinger B. Fluorescence Imaging Studies of the Electrochemical Adsorption/Desorption of Octadecanol. Langmuir. 1999;15(23):8309–8314. doi:10.1021/la990249y.
- Nelson A, Bizzotto D. Chronoamperometric Study of Tl(I) Reduction at Gramicidin-Modified Phospholipid-Coated Mercury Electrodes. Langmuir. 1999;15(20):7031–7039. doi:10.1021/la990287h.
- Bizzotto D, Pettinger B. Fluorescence imaging studies of the electrochemical adsorption/desorption of octadecanol. Langmuir. 1999;15(23):8309–8314.
- Bizzotto D., Nelson A. Continuing Electrochemical Studies of Phospholipid Monolayers of Dioleoyl Phosphatidylcholine at the Mercury−Electrolyte Interface. Langmuir. 1998;14(21):6269–6273. doi:10.1021/la980314o.